Arux Connect: Child Care Basics
    • 03 Sep 2024
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    Arux Connect: Child Care Basics

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    Article summary

    Arux Connect: Child Care for iOS puts student information at the fingertips of site staff, making pick-ups and drop-offs easier. With e-signatures, the process of signing-in and signing-out is easy for both families and your team. Your attendance data automatically syncs with the Admin Portal in real-time so you can automate fees related to early-drops, late pick-ups, and more.

    You can also access important information for each child including allergy information, emergency contacts, and other customizable preferences.

    Using Arux Connect: Child Care


    The first time you launch Arux Connect: Child Care, you will be prompted to Connect to Your Organization. Enter your organization's Arux web address and select your organization from the results.

    When launching the app, you'll be prompted to enter an access key.


    On-site Access Keys are set up from the Admin Portal. If you do not know your access key, contact your site admin, or set up your site Access Key.

    Once you have entered your access key, you will be prompted to select the active site location that you are taking attendance for, then tap Launch Site.

    Arux Connect: Child Care is separated into several tabs which are discussed below.


    Several screens in Arux Connect: Child Care utilize pull-to-refresh. To refresh the content on the screen, touch the screen and swipe downward.


    The Attendance tab gives you access to the most used functions of Arux Connect: Child Care.

    The Arux Connect: Child Care app Attendance tab


    In the lower-left, tapping the dashboard tab will bring you to the dashboard. The dashboard provides a general overview of the site for the day. You can see how many students are scheduled in total or broken down by site section. The graph displays a visual of student and staff check ins over time, allowing you to see times when you may need additional help. Tapping the dots along the graph of students displays the Staff to Student Ratio for the selected time.

    The dashboard displays scheduled totals, attended, and absent numbers and a graph of attendance data

    Tapping the View Upcoming Schedule Changes link at the top of the page displays any upcoming schedule changes for this site. Tapping the date displays a calendar that allows you to view the dashboard information for previous or future dates.

    The dashboard displays the calendar widget after tapping the date.

    Child View Screen

    From the Attendance tab, tapping on a child's name brings you to the child view screen.

    The child view screen displays various actions that can be taken for the child and information about the selected child


    All information on this page is populated from the Arux Admin Portal.

    • Sign In/Out: Tapping Sign In or Sign Out allows you to sign the individual child in or out of your program.
    • Mark Absent: Allows you to mark a child absent from your program individually.
    • View Activity Feed: Displays a list of sign-in/sign-out activity, status updates, and location information for the day and a calendar of activity for the last 30 days.
      • Tapping the month and year in the upper-right corner allows you to select to view activity for other months.
    • Add Update: Allows you to add a Status Update for a child, including a category for the update and a note.
    • Assign Location: If your site has enabled on site locations from the Admin Portal, you can use Assign Location to update the current location of the child.
    • Special Needs: An optional section that displays any support needs that have been entered for the child on the Arux Admin Portal.
    • Contacts: Lists the child's authorized contacts. Tapping the name of an authorized contact displays their relationship to the child and their provided contact information.
    • Child Info: General information about the child, including Preferred Name, Full Name, Pronouns, Birth Date, Age, Grade, Account Number, Security Codes, Address, and any Tags assigned to the child.
    • Registration Info: Lists the questions and answers that were completed when the child was registered for the program.

    Profile Pictures for children and their contacts can be added directly from Arux Connect: Child Care.

    Signing In and Out

    Arux Connect: Child Care provides you and your staff several options for signing children in and out of your program.

    Individual Sign In and Out

    Children can be signed in or out individually from their Child View screen by tapping either Sign In or Sign Out.
    When a child is signed in, the Sign Out option reflects their current status.
    The child view screen displays the sign icon with the option to select sign in or sign out

    The sign in or sign out modal prompts you to enter additional information about the sign in or out activity:

    1. Select the name of the staff member that is signing the child in or out.
      Tapping Add Temporary Staff Member to add a staff member that will be removed at the end of the day.
    2. Tap Time and select the time of the sign in or out.

    If you have enabled early drop off or late pickup fees from the Admin Portal, selecting an earlier or later time from this individual sign in or out will not trigger a fee.

    1. Tap Sign In Child or Sign Out Child.
    2. Sign or select your signature.
    3. Tap Finished.

    Sign by Proxy

    Similar to an individual sign in or out by staff, we also have a sign by proxy option. With sign by proxy you can indicate which authorized pickup is either dropping the child off or picking the child up.

    From the Child View screen:

    1. Tap Sign In or Sign Out.
    2. Select the name of the staff member that is signing the child in or out.
      Tapping Add Temporary Staff Member to add a staff member that will be removed at the end of the day.
    3. Tap Time and select the time of the sign in or out.

    If you have enabled early drop off or late pickup fees from the Admin Portal, selecting an earlier or later time using sign by proxy to sign in or out will trigger the fee.

    1. Next to Authorized Pickup, tap Select a Pickup.
    2. Select the name of the authorized contact.
      The Sign In modal displays the Select a Contact option
    3. Tap Sign In Child or Sign Out Child.

    Mass Sign

    You and your staff also have the option to use mass sign option to sign a group of students in or out from the Attendance tab. Mass sign is useful when you have an afternoon section and all your children are arriving at the same time from classes.

    The Child Care Attendance App Attendance tab shows the hamberger icon

    Tapping Select in the upper-right corner will update the screen adding checkboxes that allow you to select multiple children.

    Selection circles are displayed next to each child on the attendance tab

    1. Select the children you would like to sign in or out, or tap Select All.
    2. At the bottom of the screen, select Sign In or Sign Out.
      Multiple children are selected and the Sign In and Sign Out options are displayed at the bottom of the screen
    3. In the Sign In or Sign Out modal, select the name of the staff member that is signing the children in or out.
      Tapping Add Temporary Staff Member to add a staff member that will be removed at the end of the day.
    4. Tap Time and select the time of the sign in or out.

    If you have enabled early drop off or late pickup fees from the Admin Portal, selecting an earlier or later time using mass sign to sign in or out will not trigger the fee.

    1. Tap Sign In Child or Sign Out Child.

    Moving Locations

    In addition to being able to sign children in and out, if your site has on site locations enabled from the Admin Portal, you can use the Mass Sign option to move children from one location to another. This can be useful for when children in your program all were signed in after school and then they are going to the playground or media center for an activity.


    Arux Admin Portal provides the option to add locations to a site, allowing you to keep track of childrens' locations while they are signed in. The locations for a site must first be defined on the Admin Portal.

    From the Attendance tab:

    1. Tap Select in the upper-right corner.
    2. Select the children you would like to relocate or tap Select All.
    3. At the bottom of the screen, tap More.
      Multiple children are selected and the More options are displayed at the bottom of the screen
    4. Tap Assign Location.
      The Update Location modal is displayed.
    5. Select the location to move the children to.
    6. Tap Update Location.
      The children's locations are updated.
      The Attendance tab displays the childrens' locations

    Locations for individual children can be updated from the Child View Page by tapping Assign Location.

    Status Updates

    Additionally, Arux Connect: Child Care provides the option to enter status updates for children. These can be used for nurse visits or to enter a health check. That information will then be sent to the Admin Portal and can be viewed from the child's attendance tab on their contract View Page.

    • Arux breaks down updates into on-site status update categories that you can configure for your program from the Admin Portal.
    • A Default Status Update category can be selected from the Settings tab in Arux Connect: Child Care.

    From the Attendance tab:

    1. Tap Select in the upper-right corner.
    2. Select the children you would like to add a Status Update for or tap Select All.
    3. At the bottom of the screen, tap More.
      Multiple children are selected and the More options are displayed at the bottom of the screen
    4. Tap Add Status.
      The Add Status modal is displayed.
      The Add Status modal is displayed
    5. Next to Category, tap Select Category.
    6. Select a category from the list provided.
    7. Tap Note.
    8. Enter the text of your status update.
    9. Tap Submit.

    Status Updates for individual children can be updated from the Child View Page by tapping Add Update.


    Absences can be recorded in Arux Connect: Child Care individually or as a group by using mass sign.

    Individual Absences

    To mark a child absent individually from the Child View screen:

    1. Tap Mark Absent.
      The child view screen displays the sign icon with the option to select sign in, sign out, or absent.
    2. Optional: Enter a note about the absence.
      Notes are often used to record a reason for the child's absence.
    3. Select their name from the Absent modal.
    4. Selecting the site section they are absent from.
    5. Tap Done.
    6. Tap Mark Child Absent.

    Mass Sign Absences

    You and your staff also have the option to use mass sign to mark a group of students absent from the Attendance tab.

    The Child Care Attendance App Attendance tab shows the hamberger icon

    Tapping Select in the upper-right corner will update the screen allowing you to select multiple children.

    Selection circles are displayed next to each child on the attendance tab

    1. Select the children you would like to mark absent.
    2. At the bottom of the screen, tap More.
      Multiple children are selected and the Sign In and Sign Out options are displayed at the bottom of the screen
    3. Select Mark Absent.
      The Absent modal is displayed.
      The Absent modal is displayed listing the children to mark absent
    4. Tap each child's name and select the site section the child is absent from.
    5. Tap Mark Children Absent.

    Filtering, Sorting, and Grouping

    Arux Connect: Child Care gives you several tools to view childrens' data in different ways and find information on the children you need.

    For instance, Filters can be useful to see which children are currently signed into another location on-site or if your program uses tags for things like children who need sunscreen. This option can be especially useful when moving children from one location to another.

    To see the available filters on the Attendance tab, tap the Slider icon next to the search bar.

    The All Filters screen shows all available filters for your program.

    The All Filters screen shows all available filters for your program

    Select your desired filters and tap Apply Filters to see a filtered list of children.

    • Tapping the Library location filter and applying the filter shows a list of children signed into the library.
    • Tapping the Has Update filter under updates and applying the filter shows a list of children that have Status Updates.

    In addition to filtering, you can also sort and group the list of children in several ways. Tapping the Up and Down Arrow icon next to the search bar on the Attendance tab displays a list of available Sort and Group options.

    The Sort and Group options are displayed

    You can sort by either last name or first name and group the children by grade, location, or section. Once you have selected your sort and group options, tap Apply Changes to see your sorted list.

    Shows a sorted list of children by grade


    If configured from the Admin Portal, Arux Connect: Child Care gives you the flexibility to add on-site adjustments for your program's billing.

    This option is often used if site staff can charge a finder's fee when a parent forgets to notify site staff that a child's going to be absent for the day and site staff used resources trying to locate that child.

    Adjustments can be added from the Child View screen by tapping Add Adjustment and selecting the adjustment to add.

    Staff Check In and Out

    On the Staff tab, your Child Care Site Staff can quickly check in and out from Arux Connect: Child Care. This enables site managers and Admins to view real-time staffing levels compared with the number of children signed into the Site.

    To check in or out as a Staff Member:

    1. Tap the Staff tab at the bottom of the screen.
    2. Tap Check-In or Check-Out.
    3. Select the Staff Member to check-in.
    4. Verify the Staff Member and the Time to check-in or out.
      Tapping the time allows you to select the time of the check-in or out.
    5. Tap Check-In or Check-Out.
    6. Enter your signature.
    7. Tap Finished.

    The Arux Connect: Child Care updates your status to checked in or checked out and is reflected on the Dashboard tab of the Child Care Site View Page.

    Kiosk Mode

    To help automate the attendance process, Arux Connect: Child Care includes the Kiosk tab, which allows parents to sign their children in or out.

    Kiosk mode must be enabled for the Child Care Site before it can be used in Arux Connect: Child Care.


    For additional security at your child care sites, Arux gives you the option to enable the use of Security Codes when using Kiosk Mode.

    Preview Mode

    Preview Mode in Arux Connect: Child Care allows you to preview your sites before they start and on days during which no classes are scheduled.


    The Settings tab provides you with device information for the iOS device running the app, the version of Arux Connect: Child Care you are running, and the site that the device is assigned to.
    The settings screen is displayed


    If the device is unable to connect to Arux, the app displays a notification in the settings tab that includes the number of records that have not been synced with the Admin Portal and gives you the option to manually sync the attendance.

    In addition, there are a few useful options available.

    Message of the Day

    A message of the day can be entered for parents to see on the Kiosk tab when signing their children in or out. This can be useful to remind parents about registration days, field trip reminders, or upcoming activities.

    To set the Message of the Day from the Settings tab:

    1. Tap Message Of The Day.
      The Modify Message Of The Day modal is displayed.

    The message of the day modal is displayed

    1. Enter your message.
    2. Tap Save.

    The Message Of The Day is displayed as a banner on the Kiosk tab.

    Attendance List Display

    If you are using Arux Connect: Child Care on an iPad, an additional option is provided allowing you to select how the the attendance list is displayed. Selecting this option will allow you to toggle between a List view or Grid view.


    Another valuable option are the help settings. Tapping Questions and Comments allows you contact our support team directly by entering your name, your email address, and your help request directly from the app. One of our support specialists will reply back to you at the email you used to submit the request.

    Additionally, tapping Help brings you to our Arux Self-Service Library and user guides regarding Arux Connect: Child Care.

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